Saturday, February 3, 2007

Overcoming Your Interview Nerves The Smartest Way

Interviews can be quite daunting; especially if you have not been to one for some time or if the last one was a bad experience. But overcoming your interview nerves is really quite easy if you apply your intelligence and do some realistic preparation.
Interview nerves tend to be worse when you know you haven't prepared and have put off thinking about the very obvious questions they will ask. Have you ever noticed how much worse your nerves become when you repeatedly tell yourself "I'm going to fail this interview" or "I'm worried what they will ask me about"? Yet you can do some simple preparation very quickly
What every interviewer wants to know fall into just 4 key areas:

* Why are you here?
* What can you do for us?
* What sort of person are you?
* Can we afford you?

So at the very least you must prepare for these four areas of questioning.

If they ask you "Why did you apply for this job?" in other words "Why are you here?"
Your answer will be because you are interested in doing the job they described, you respect the company, are looking forward to the challenge and the chance to learn and develop new skills.

Next they will want to know what skills and experience you bring i.e. what you can do for them.

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